Friday, March 13, 2009

WWJD? Or, What Would Jennifer Do??

I have a friend, Jennifer. She is amazing! She is such a happy, lovely person that you can't help but smile when you think of her. I love her philosophy of life-if it doesn't make her happy, she doesn't do it! She will not shop at certain stores because it causes stress for her. She seems so at peace with her life and that spreads to the rest of us.
With her as my inspiration, I have decided to start following her lead. I am no longer going to worry about things that cause irritations in my life-especially people! I give some people WAY to much power to affect my feelings when there is no way they deserve to have any time in my life. Some people are just miserable. They have unhappy lives and have a need to have everyone else be as unhappy as they are. I am too old and too happy to let them affect me anymore!
I hope you all take some inspiration from Jennifer-you will be so glad you did! And if you have the wonderful fortune to have her in your life-consider yourself blessed!! She's a keeper!!!